
I ask myself, what is passion?

Passion is something I am willing to do no matter what.

I sit in front of the computer writing and designing. Is it because of passion?

I prepare and cook tasty and nutritious dinners for families. Is it because of passion?

I walk by the beach enjoying cool breeze over my face. Is it because of passion?

I exercise and practice to be fit and healthy. Is it because of passion?

What are my passions?

I don’t know. I haven’t figured out.

Or I shall say I have too many passions.

But I realize this:

To live a good life, I need to be passionate about life.

Published by

Delphine Zhu

Delphine is a blogger, an entrepreneur and a certified International Qigong teacher at Onenergy Institute. Delphine started Qigong practice since her early 20s. She found that Qigong practicing equips her with tons of energy, open and creative mind, strong will power, as well as optimum health. Currently, she is seeking deep level of self transformation and self realization.